Web roundup - what we’re gobbling online - Sept 8, 2011

Stuff we’re reading about stuff you’re eating

Atlanta one step closer to Sunday alcohol sales. The AJC’s Jim Galloway reports that Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed plans to sign the measure passed by City Council on Tuesday regarding Sunday sales.

What Now Atlanta reports that Reuben’s Deli is going mobile. Enter Rolling Reuben’s, the newest addition to Atlanta’s foodtruck scene.

The Telegraph reported last week that Domino’s Japan plans to build the first pizzeria on the lunar surface. Discovery News analyst and astrophysicist, Ian O’Neil, voices his skepticism in an article entitled, ‘Domino’s Pizza Moon Plan is All Topping, No Base.

Over 6,000 surveyors make their opinions public in Zagat’s 2011 Fast-Food Survey.

What Now Atlanta reveals which restaurants failed health inspections last month.

The gluten revolution gains ground as The French Laundry, introduces a gluten-free flour line.

According to Business Wire, Ben and Jerry’s newest limited batch flavor will be the SNL inspired Schweddy Balls.