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  3. >> Tiny Treasures: A Community Showcase

Tiny Treasures: A Community Showcase

Sunday April 21, 2024 01:30 PM EDT
Cost: Free

From the venue:


Join us for “Tiny Treasures: A Community Showcase,” an enchanting event celebrating the intricate world of miniatures, in conjunction with our ongoing exhibition “Life in Miniature.” Delight in the charm of diminutive wonders as members of our community showcase their collections of miniatures, ranging from tiny figurines to petite replicas of everyday objects. It’s a whimsical experience for all ages, where you can marvel at the meticulous craftsmanship and creativity encapsulated in these miniature worlds.
Calling all miniature enthusiasts!
Please submit the form below to share your passion with fellow collectors and curious visitors by submitting your cherished miniatures for display at “Tiny Treasures.” Whether you collect miniature dolls, model cars or trains, tiny houses, figurines, or any other diminutive marvels, we welcome you to showcase your treasures. This event will take place under a tent in the Reeves House backyard. We will provide (1) large folding table per collector.

    • Please note that collectors must be present for the duration of the event and remain near their table to oversee their collection and engage with curious visitors. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your miniature marvels with our community






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FacebookInstagramWebsite  <img src=’https://woodstockarts.org/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/list-add.svg’ alt= title=’Add a new row’ /> <img src=’https://woodstockarts.org/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/list-remove.svg’ alt= title=’Remove this row’ />Please briefly describe what type of collection you are interested in sharing with the community.Please attach a photo of your collection. This may also be used for marketing purposes.*

Drop files here or
Select files

Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 3. Upload up to 3 clear and well lit images. Participant Agreement:* I have read all of the below and understand and agree to the following:-I release Woodstock Arts Board Members, Staff and volunteers from any and all liability due to an accident, injury, or exposure to illness that may result from participation in this event
-I consent for photographs to be taken for marketing purposes that may include name and city of residence.
-I understand that any collector can be refused for if the collection contains offensive materials including but not limited to foul language and/or nudity. You will be contacted if your collection is not deemed appropriate for this event
-I understand hat Woodstock Arts has the right to cancel and/or postpone this event at any given time due to Executive Orders made by the State or at the discretion of the organization.

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Coming Soon
734 Reeves St, Woodstock
Woodstock, GA 30188
woodstockarts.org neighborhood: not set